Honolulu, Hawaii

Monday, October 28, 1928

Hawaii’s principal industries, in order of their financial importance—sugar, pineapples, tourist trade, coffee, stock ranching, and bananas.

Climate—balmy, cool, not much variation; no fog, no sunstroke. Ranges from 60° to 85° and never to 100°. Average rainfall is 28.31 inches. Rainy season November to February. Hilo rainfall 150″. Temperature of water ranges from 70° to 81°.

Population in 1925: American, British, German, Russian    36,000; Chinese–25,000; Pilipino–49,000; Hawaiian–21,000; Japanese–128,000; Korean–6,000; Asiatic Hawaiian–8,000; Caucasian–14,000; Portuguese–27,000; Porto Rican–6,000; Spanish–2,000; others 430; Total population–323,645; 202,165 citizens of U.S.

Population in 1925: Honolulu–101,500; Oahu (not Honolulu)–64,300; Hilo–11,750; Hawaii (not Hilo)–64,740; Schools: 175; Pupils–55,044; Teachers–1,719.

Honolulu: 5½ hours behind New York

Walked part way up Punchbowl, an extinct volcano right in the city. Today was Navy Day or something and they had some displays down at the pier. There were three planes on exhibition, a demonstration of cutting steel with an electric torch by two divers underwater, and some other stunts. Two subs were open to visitors, the R10 and R18. Every so often the thing would be floated out into the middle of the waterway and submerged—full of visitors. I did not go down for it was too durned hot in the sub, and crowded. However I did go through the R18, supposed to be one of the best of her class. It is very interesting within, but more cramped for space than I had thought. Much of the walls and space is taken up with electric switchboards, motors, etc. In spite of electric fans, it was very hot. Her cruising depth is 18 ft and maximum depth 150 ft.

Being more or less roasted, I spent the next two hours in the Y tank. It is a pleasure to swim there—a perfect pool in the sunshine with the hills behind and the clouds above.

Went to an Esperanto class with Eddy, Vance, and Jeff after dinner. I had read Hawaii Today by Lieut. Wriston yesterday, so attacked a book Mrs. Noble had recommended me, A Farewell to Arms by Hemmingway or some such name. Turned in at 12:30 or 1.

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