At sea on S.S. Clairton

Sunday, July 22, 1928

Had perfect weather to Boston until shortly before arriving when it was misty. Saw eleven whales during the two days, including one who was fighting a sword fish.

Steering gear broke once and ship went in a circle. Docked at Army Base in Boston and Jack and I went into town to walk around. Friday it rained all day. We took a subway to Cambridge and saw Harvard, the stadium and went through the Zoological and Art Museums. After dinner read novel till 4 AM.

Saturday we went to town and received mail from Mother, Jean, and Uncle Billy Graves. Just before Clairton left at 3:15 PM , the S.S.Leviathan came into dry dock next to ours with 13 tugs. Sailed out in perfect weather and shortly after dinner, land dropped out of sight. Saw a shark alongside boat before dark. Started second book after dinner and finished it at 11 PM. Sunday perfect weather. Sea smooth.

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