Port Said, Egypt

Thursday, February 14, 1929

Back on the old job of hunting boats. After an all-morning search the only thing we could find was the one I had already lined up for £10 to Bombay and £8½ without food. We had a good time walking around town and getting the street vendors all worked up in arguments over prices of things we had no intention of buying. I have my old room again here, with the nice balcony or porch where I get the warm sun all day long. For a change we had nice warm weather today so you could sit on the porch and read or write and watch the vendors after the tourists below in the streets. Mort and Frank left on the 6:15 train for Cairo and I saw them off. They have left practically all of their stuff with me so I have a victrola and lots of books to study on these strange countries we shall be visiting in a few weeks. Unless I can dig up something better, we shall leave Port Said March 6 for Bombay on the Genova.

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