Friday, May 3, 1929
Got a tonga at the station at seven, and arming ourselves with a bottle of soda water we trotted out of town and the five miles to Amber. On the left of the road we passed a line of fortified hills. These culminate in the great fort, 400 ft. above the old palace, and is connected with it for its defense.
The palace itself is a huge palace and has many attractive places in it. Especially is the reception hall remarkable. It was done in such a beautiful manner, all of fine marble, that when a visiting ruler became very enthusiastic over it, the builder had the marble covered with stucco so this ruler would not carry it away.
The dead city of Amber was very interesting with its dead temples, its dead streets. Before we were through it got plenty hot. 110° in the shade to be exact.
Late in the afternoon we went down to the brass shop and got things fixed there.