Honolulu, Hawaii

Saturday, October 19, 1929

Went for my mail today and actually received some that had not been returned or something, Didn’t hear from the General, but while at the other Y met a boy who is just starting on a 6 months world trip, and an Oscar Blanc, Ph.D., who is a traveler and lecturer. A real nice man, middle-aged, speaks with a slight accent, sports a spreading mustache and small goatee, and wears a khaki suit. He has asked me to accompany him to Hawaii next Tuesday, but that is a little too early for me.

Went down to the Asama Maru after lunch and said good-bye to everybody. John’s girlfriend left on the same ship and so I met them there.

From here we drove out to their house where Vance and I put on suits and went swimming. One glorious place to swim. Met three girls there (Margaret Neigh, Alice Grayden, Florence Lee) and fooled around on the raft an hour, then drove them home. All live on the coast and one in Hollywood where her mother and father are in the movies. She is quite a dancer. Had her picture in the paper today.

Vance has another dinner party on tonight. The more I see of this place, the more I think I’ll have to live here some day. The island is resplendent in scenery, weather perfect, and Honolulu city itself possesses a little of the charm of a tropical city—a mixture of the East and West.

As for the Y, it is a knockout, and among other things has a fine open-air pool and large verandah in the court. My room is 79¢ a day!

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