Saturday, August 18, 1928
Friday at 10 I left Kelso but soon found that I was too weak from lack of food to make much headway. Struggled for 23 miles and had a very large lunch at a country hotel. First food in 24 hours. A little strength came back and I made Newcastle, England, by 6:15PM, a distance of 71 miles. The hills were not large, but mean to ride over.
Got a room for 3s and bought four large sugar rolls. Had one of these and a glass of water for dinner. I then found Jack at a hotel. He was on his way to London by bus. After walking around town and having three cups of coffee, I left him and went to bed a little after twelve.
Today I started at 9:30 after eating a roll and a glass of water for breakfast. The road was hilly in places, though not nearly as bad as yesterday. Stopped at Darlington for lunch and had potatoes, peas, cabbage and bread. About three I ate another roll while I rode. After a rather exhausting ride, I reached Doncaster, 123 miles from Newcastle. Got a room at the Angel and Royal Hotel for 5/6 and immediately had tea brought to the room. Three cups of this, a glass of water, and the last roll comprised my dinner.
I am 160 miles from London, but 200 the way I am going. A good hot bath and a little washing done, I feel much better and am now in perfect luxury sitting in bed writing and smoking. This country has been very beautiful, but spoiled by the bugs. I can never raise my head for a bug will fly in my eye if I do. All I have done for the last 200 miles was to fight bugs. I get on an average of five bugs in my eyes every mile. Found three in one eye tonight.
Saw Durham Castle and Cathedral from the road today. They are in a valley and the cathedral is very large and quite attractive. It is a curious sight to see several birds sitting on the back of a sheep. In Darlington the street cars are large auto-buses with an electric trolley. Also saw a steam traction car. The Saturday night crowds are sure here tonight and are having a great time in the hotel bar judging from the noise. As there are comparatively few machines over here, the people all walk in the street. As France is next on the list I shall grow a mustache starting now. In Russia I suppose I’ll make it a beard. Just found another bug in my eye.