Left at 9:30. The people owning the hotel insisted on giving me a cup of coffee. Soon got to den Haag. It is a beautiful city. Full of canals, parks, boulevards, and fine drives through woods. The homes are very pretty and have fine gardens. On the ocean is a big beach and many hotels. It is very restricted and there is nothing cheap there. It is a great resort. A big crowd was everywhere. The Holland roads are pretty good, but they usually have a dandy cement sidewalk for the hundreds of cyclists. It was like going through a big park almost all the way to Amsterdam. Stopped at 3 and had potatoes and beans. Got a room for 75 cents or 30ยข. It will do and I have to make ends meet. Have about $24 for 22 days. Had eggs, potatoes and beans for dinner. Rode 70 miles. It is raining now, first time since the first day in France.