Saturday, September 15, 1928
Today I traveled for distance, but didn’t do so well because of a bum steer and a bum wind from eleven on. I arose at five and left at six. The morning was misty and cold. Some miles from Hamburg the road became almost impassable and I had to ride on a rough sand path. After several miles of this the path became better and finally the road.
Before leaving Hamburg I had found a pfennig or ¼¢. My luck was slow in coming for I got a bum steer in Limbeck and went 15 miles out of my way. Up to this time it had been cold and misty. Now the mist cleared, but it looked like rain. This blew over and it continued cool all day. By noon I had gone 63 miles. Had beefsteak and potatoes for lunch—1½M. The wind had come up and made it very hard. Then too, my bike needs to be taken apart and oiled. It pumps hard. The country is very pretty and arms of the sea extend inland to make it look like a lake country. At one place I stopped for water the woman gave me two darned good cookies. Later I had four apples which I shook down from trees along the roadside. Reached Rostock at seven after 130 miles of almost pumping. Got my room for 2.50 marks, making $1 for today. As all stores were closed, I could not get some cheese for my rye bread but have mustard and H2O, and am in bed. Order a large order of potatoes at a restaurant and would get nothing else. Several men there thought that was the funniest thing and when I was through they would not charge me a thing. After some trouble I located the station or Bahnhof. It is still 85 miles to Sassnitz and I can only make the boat by the eight o’clock train.