Monday, September 24, 1928
While at the Am.Exp.Co this morning, I saw Dale Pontisis [certainly F. Dale Pontius], a Columbus boy. He is starting in the Universität of Berlin for a year. We had a long talk and then I went to the war museum. It was very interesting. After lunch I went through the Schloss, former royal residence of the Kaiser. It has 700 rooms. Went through his private rooms, libraries, reception halls, and dining rooms. The floors were of fine, highly polished hardwood blocks and some in fancy designs. The ceilings were covered with paintings. Some of the rooms were of fine marble, others of beautiful paneled and carved mahogany, while others were gilded and painted plaster with figures in relief. There were dozens of good paintings on the walls and statues. The furniture was of an old style. Some of the pieces are very beautiful. The library contained many books in English. The guide spoke German so I didn’t learn anything from him.
Next I went thru the Dom. The altar and pulpit are very pretty. In back of the altar are six marvelous stained glass windows. Opposite the altar at the other side of the church is the Kaiser’s place. Where the dome starts, high up, there are large statues of such men as Calvin, Luther, etc. The dome is pretty and very high. The organ is a mammoth. In a wing are the caskets of a number of kings.
Next I bought a small suitcase for 12 marks. I am really proud of it, by heck. Took a long walk from 5 till 8, stopping for dinner. Walked up and down Leipzer (or worse) Str. It is the main shopping strasse and all lit up . The windows were real attractive. Came back to hotel and packed my new suitcase. Everything just fit in fine. Cost me $2.18 today, exclusive of suitcase. It is downright cold here and you are never quite warm. Guess I’ll be on my way again tomorrow.