Honolulu, Hawaii

Wednesday, November 13, 1929

The elevator boy got me out of a perfectly good sleep at 8:30 to give me a call from the Inter-Island Navigation Co. I went down to see Spain, the shipping agent, and the result was a job on the Ethan Allan as deck boy at $25 a month. The boat was to come in at 2:30 so I tore about to get my junk packed. Vance met me at the ship after he had called at the Y for my luggage.

I signed on with four others. One young man is OK. Lost his finger in a cog wheel at Kobe and was in the hospital some time. Then he got sick and was taken to the Honolulu hospital from his ship. The other two are tough ones—workaways making 1¢ a month. One has a wooden leg and a bandage on his head where the second cook of another ship hit him with a meat cleaver.

Went out to the mansion for dinner with Eddy, John, and Vance. As always we had arguments, laughed till our sides ached, and John cracked his daily pun.  I was to be down at the boat about eight and we picked up Jeff on the way down to say au revoir. Dropped him at the Mutual Telephone Co. where he works, and shortly after, upon arriving at the pier, learned the time of sailing had been set at 6 AM.

Eddy and John had to study so we drove them home, said our farewells—I said mine— and Vance and I drove downtown for our pie a la mode, then up to the Pali where the low racing clouds intermittently drove showers at us. Talked till midnight when we drove down for another pie a la mode and coffee.

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