Honolulu, Hawaii

Saturday, November 9, 1929

Spent most the afternoon downtown with E, J and V. Went swimming at Waikiki with Vance before dinner.

Big brawl on tonight—John contributed a white linen suit, Vance a shirt, Eddy a belt, and Vance a little energy on the shoes. John has traded me the suit for a $1.50 worth of gravel for the driveway. Big bargain! Am beginning to look white, unmarried, and more or less respectable. The main idea is to live in as few clothes as possible. Thus off go the shirts when at the Kealaolu mansion.

Drove Eddy down to Jeff’s hotel where we three had dinner, then went to see the big parade. This is a gala week for Honolulu. A week of festivities, etc. This parade was really a notable event—thousands marched or rode in elaborate floats representing traditions or something of many countries—and there are plenty to be represented here. Japanese, Chinese, Pilipinos, Hawaiians, Portuguese, and many others. The German float floated a large Graf Zeppelin.

The girl I was to take rode by on one float. Quite a talented girl—sings well, very good on the violin, etc., has acting talent I think, dances, knows her French, and is attractive and naive. Went to the Royal Hawaiian. A beautiful hotel and the dance floor is OK, but could have been larger. Great outdoor sport promenading along the beach walk with a mellow tropical moon hanging low above the proverbial silvery path—only this was golden except when obscured by a cloud.

Ship news is disgusting. The wire inquiring about reservations has not been answered. The agent said the ship would not be in till the 13th or 4th but Eddy says the paper says Monday 11th as the date.

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